I want to use this section to give credit to the people, the real or abstract things, places, books, websites and ideas that have helped shape my own thinking. It will grow and adapt with time just like we all do.

Hopefully it might just give you some added inspiration too!

- Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Doctocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD

This book is considered pretty much a bible for a lot of health and wellness fans, for very good reason. Fallon questions the low-fat food fads and points out why it’s essential for us to eat the right fats for our brains and nervous system to work properly. She introduced me to traditional preparation methods and fermentation which I embrace whole-heartedly into my food ethos. It all just makes good sense!

- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price

Price was a dentist who travelled the globe between 1920-1940 to study remote, un-modernised populations who were immune to tooth decay. This book is a philanthropic, scientific and medical masterpiece - he was the first to uncover the relationship between nutrition, dental health and physical health. His influence on modern day medicine, both conventional and integrative is immense.

- Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr

I read this life changing number when I decided that I needed to make major dietary and lifestyle changes to get cancer- free and stay cancer- free. Kris is living proof that these changes can be a fundamental player in cancer treatment, having also been a cancer ‘thriver’ as she calls it. She embraces a vegan lifestyle and a natural approach to whole and raw foods that rang lots of bells with me, and I took lots of her advice on board. She’s a true inspiration in every sense of the word. Check her out...


- Sydney, Australia

A place that I still call home, despite having lived away for over fifteen years now. It's where my family and friends who've known me the longest are. Who could argue with the natural beauty of the prettiest city in the world to inspire you to live the life you want to live. Beachy life = a good life. With fresh beautiful produce (a fish market to die for), a multi cultural population who have infused Australia with colour and taste from all over the world and a very healthy attitude to life, I hope I still embrace the Aussie way, albeit from an often cold and grey London!

- Chris Kresser

Chris is a paleo God and pure genius of the Functional and Integrative Medicine world. I don't follow a strict paleo protocol, but I started reading Chris’ website while I was studying at Nutrition School. A fellow student put me onto him, because his scientific approach really helped me understand (and question) lots of the difficult concepts we were covering in class. His approach, knowledge and ability to relay info in layman’s terms is second to none. He questions conventional medical practices and I think he is paving the way for opening up Integrative Medicine to the general public. He is very generous with his time and writes regular blogs, reviews the latest studies and offers e-books on loads of common disorders and conditions.

Be inspired and educated at www.chriskresser.com. He changes lives and is a huge mentor for me.