I am a generalist as I deal with a huge range of health conditions in my clinic but I do have a special interest in gut health, weight management, chronic fatigue syndrome/ME and I have particular experience with cancer care, pregnancy and post-natal care, women’s and children’s health.

There are so many health concerns which can be successfully balanced and supported through my integrated natural healthcare approach, such as:

Acne, anxiety, allergies, cancer care, candida, cardiovascular health, colds, coughs, chronic conditions, crohn’s, depression, detoxification, emotional and mental health, digestive disorders, eczema, fatigue and tiredness, food and environmental sensitivities/intolerances, hayfever, headaches, hormonal issues such as hormone balancing, infertility, immune system health (including auto-immune conditions), PMT and menstrual complaints, menopause, IBS, inflammation, insomnia, leaky gut and gut health, migraines, pre-conception care, pregnancy and post-natal health, recurrent infections, SIBO, sinus problems, skin imbalances, sleep quality and consistency, sports nutrition, stress, thyroid problems, ulcerative colitis, urinary disorders and much more.

Change begins with you. I believe that without good health there’s not much else.  The effects of improving your health are immense and I look forward to sharing the journey with you.

Disclaimer: No advice issued on this website is intended to replace appropriate medical care.  If in doubt about your health please consult a qualified medical professional.